Al-Rawdah Al-Sharqiah is a part of the Noble Prophet’s Mosque. It is located inside the Sacred House of God, specifically between the house of Lady Aisha, the wife of the Prophet, may God be pleased with her. Some say that the kindergarten is bounded from the east by the house of Lady Khadija, and from the north by the parallel line and the end of the house of the Mother of the Believers. The total area of ​​the honorable kindergarten in Madinah is estimated at 330 square metres, if its length is 22 meters and the width is 15. Some scholars have made it clear that prayer in the honorable kindergarten in Madinah is desirable for all Muslims, whether it is obligatory or supererogatory, as it is desirable to sit after prayers and supplications and read the Qur’an for its From reward and double reward with God, Glory be to Him, and to follow more readers about the Noble Prophet’s Mosque, follow this article with us, the Noble Prophet’s Mosque


Al-Rawdah Al-Sharifah Al-Madinah Al-Munawwarah

The honorable kindergarten is God's paradise on earth

Etiquette of visiting the honorable Rawda, Madinah

Al-Rawdah Al-Sharifah Al-Madinah Al-Munawwarah

The honorable kindergarten includes a number of historical monuments and some relics of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, such as the mihrab of the Noble Prophet.

  • Abu Bakr
  • Omar bin al-khattab

It also includes the kindergarten of the mother of the believers, which is the eastern border of the honorable kindergarten in Madinah. Inside the mosque I love the place of prayer, and the worshipers always love to perform prayer in the first row of the honorable kindergarten in Madinah

The honorable kindergarten is God's paradise on earth

The honorable kindergarten is God's paradise on earth

In the middle of the Prophet’s Mosque is God’s Paradise on Earth, where the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: “Between my house and the Prophet’s garden in the gardens of Paradise.” This is the place where Mustafa’s prayer carries his sanctification, his mosques, his sermons among people, and his meeting with delegations and witnesses during the days and nights of the blessed month of Ramadan, a gathering of worshipers and visitors to pray in God’s heaven on earth. Between my house and my pulpit is a garden from the gardens of Paradise.” The scholars interpreted this hadith into three sayings, the first: that is, as a garden from the gardens of Paradise in achieving happiness and the descent of mercy, by persevering in worship in it, and the second: that worship in it is a path that leads to entering Paradise, and the third: that this The spot in particular is a part of Paradise and will be transferred to it on the Day of Resurrection. The honorable Rawda is located to the west of the Prophet’s Chamber and extends to the pulpit with an area of ​​about 330 square meters. Its dimensions are 22 meters from east to west and 15 meters from north to south, and it includes the honorable kindergarten, the Prophet’s Mihrab, which is located in the western part. Al-Rawdah Al-Sharifah Al-Madinah Al-Munawwarah is bordered on the south by a copper fence that separates it from the Ziyadat of Omar and Othman, “may God be pleased with her”, while it is connected to the rest of the mosque from the northern and western sides. It is also bounded on the east by the room of the Mother of the Believers Aisha, may God be pleased with her, and on the west by the wall of the mosque to the south where the mihrab of the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, and from the north the line that extends from the end of the house from Aisha to the east - may God be satisfied with her, towards the pulpit of the west. The honorable kindergarten contains several features, including the honorable room, which includes the tomb of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, and his companions Abu Bakr and Omar - may God be pleased with them - and the mihrab, may God bless him and grant him peace. in marble. On the tribal side of Al-Rafdah, a beautiful copper barrier separates the facade of the mosque and the Al-Rafdah at a height of one meter, where two entrances were built into the Prophet’s mihrab.

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Etiquette of visiting the honorable kindergarten

The scholars pointed out a number of etiquettes for visiting the Prophet’s Mosque, including that a Muslim who comes to the Prophet’s Mosque must have a clean body and clothes, and not eat foods that harm people such as garlic and onions, and leave in peace and serenity and not the believers to dislodge or raise their voices. Welcome to those who go to the Prophet's Mosque. Will say: «Oh God, make my heart Nora and in optical light and in the audio light in my tongue, Nora and the right-wing Nora and left Nora, Oh God, and Mark from Wookey Nora and undertow Nora and Mark in front of me Nora and rear light, God and my greatest Nora» (Narrated by Imam Muslim).

Supplication for visiting the Prophet's Mosque

When connecting to the Prophet's Mosque God called and enter the Yemeni man says a prayer, "« I seek refuge in God Almighty and his face holy old and his power from the accursed Satan, the name of Allah, peace and blessings be upon the Messenger of God, Oh God, I open the doors of mercy », or says:« In the name of God, prayer And peace be upon the Messenger of God, O God, open the doors of your mercy for me, and when he comes out, let him say: O God, I ask of you.”

Doaa Al-Rawdah Al-Sharifah Al-Madinah Al-Munawarah

The supplication of visiting the grave of the Messenger is one of the most beautiful supplications in the honorable kindergarten. Among the etiquette of entering this place is to say the supplication first for our intercessor, the best of prayers and peace be upon him, and then supplicate with what is in his heart, which is: “Peace be upon you, O Messenger of God! Peace be upon you, O Allah, the best of His creation! Peace be upon you, beloved of God! Peace be upon you, O Master of the Messengers and the Seal of the Prophets! Peace be upon you, your family, your companions, your household, the Prophets and all the righteous; I testify that you conveyed the message, fulfilled the trust, and advised the nation, so may God reward you on our behalf with the best of what He rewarded a Messenger for.” Then go to the kindergarten, which is between the grave and the pulpit, and pray and ask for what he wants from God, from (sustenance, goodness, or forgiveness,). One of the most beautiful supplications in the honorable kindergarten, with its beautiful formulation: Peace be upon you, O the best of the people of the believers, you are the forerunners, and we are the next. O God, bless Muhammad and the family of Muhammad, as you prayed to Abraham and the family of Abraham, and bless Muhammad and the family of Muhammad, as you blessed Abraham and the family of Abraham, that you are praiseworthy and glorious. Oh God, I ask You for true certainty, and complete faith, so that a strong feeling of contentment settles in me with what You wrote to me about love and happiness. Oh God, explain my chest to me and ease my affairs for me, and write goodness for me in every step I take Oh God, cover me above the earth and underground and on the day of presentation to you, O Star. Oh God, accept my visit, and make it like a new birth for me, that brings me back to life with a purer heart, a purer soul, unparalleled love for the afterlife, and optimism for your unlimited giving, Amen. thank you God like it should be for your Majesty and your greatness. How heavy our burdens are, we come to you repentant, hoping for forgiveness and mercy, coveting your generosity and grace.We have come to you, our intercessor, so that we may be blessed with you. We have come to you, our Messenger, in order to intercede for us by relieving the burden of our sins with our Creator.

Oh God, I ask You for steadfastness in your faith, the desire to be close to You, and to grant my heart the determination to remain steadfast in Your obedience.

Oh God, Knower of the unseen and the witnessed, Lord of everything and its Sovereign, grant me peace of mind, calmness of soul, and stability of the situation.

Oh God, I ask You for good in every step I take, and to keep me away from all evil, sooner and later. The dates of visiting the honorable kindergarten

The Agency for the Affairs of the Prophet’s Mosque stressed the importance of having an effective permit through the “Umrahna” application to enter to visit and pray in the honorable kindergarten.In a series of tweets on her Twitter account, the affairs of the Prophet’s Mosque announced the places of entry through the following sorting points:

  • Bab Al Salam Square No. 1 for men (to visit)
  • Bab Bilal Square No. 38 for men (Kindergarten)
  • Bab Othman Square No. 24 for Women (Kindergarten)

She said that the operational capacity to enter to greet the Prophet - may God bless him and grant him peace - and his two companions, is 11880 visitors per day, while the operational capacity to pray in the honorable kindergarten for men is 1650 worshipers per day. The entry of male worshipers to visit and pray in the honorable kindergarten will be in 4 periods, after the dawn prayer, after the noon prayer, after the afternoon prayer, and after the sunset prayer. As for the entry of women to pray in the honorable kindergarten, it will be in the morning period from after sunrise until just before the noon prayer, and the operational capacity to enter is 900 worshipers per day.The performance of the five and Friday prayers inside the Old Sanctuary and the honorable kindergarten will continue to be allocated to civilian and military workers in the Prophet’s Mosque, including those with funerals, and the Prophet’s Mosque will continue to be closed after the evening prayer and reopened an hour before the dawn prayer.

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